Indonesian Culture in Bali and Jakarta is a melting pot of different religions and traditions which often work harmoniously among the people. If you are wondering about traveling to Indonesia or are just curious about doing some research about the company it would be helpful to learn about the uniqueness of the country and its culture. Most Indonesian societies have a history of aristocratic states or hierarchically-ordered chiefdoms, with an elite at the top and peasants at the bottom. These states were generally ruled by princes who consolidated secular power in their capitals, performed rites for their principalities, and fought for booty. The Dutch East India Company was a predominant influence nearing modern times, later becoming a warring state with forts, and later allied with indigenous states. Let’s find out more about the interesting culture that lives in Indonesia!


One of the unique aspects of Indonesian culture is its reliance on religion. Though Islam is the predominant religion in Indonesia, there is no organized hierarchy and little formalized government. The major religious organizations in the country are Nahdatul Ulama and Muhammadiyah, which are run by leaders from the Islamic faith. However, these religious groups are often marginalized and looked down upon by the urban elite. Despite this, there are prominent Muslims, many of whom are Christians, and a number of Indonesian Christians who have made their name through their religious beliefs.

In Indonesia, fathers play a prominent role in the family. Children will always be their parents’ children, and they will have to be obedient to their parents. It is customary for young adults to ask for their parents’ advice, but not because they are dependent, but because of their respect for their parents. As a result, many children in Indonesia continue living with their parents even after they marry.

In addition to this, the Indonesian culture is diverse. While the majority of the population adheres to Islam, it is also home to a large number of Hindus and Muslims. As a result, Indonesians exhibit a range of religious practices and customs. However, Indonesians rarely express their affection, and instead assume that their families love them. And even if they do show their affection, they do not do so outwardly.

Indonesian street market


Although the majority of Indonesians live in modern cities, the country still preserves its traditional values. Christian and Muslim universities are located across the street from one another, and you can still find Islamic and Hindu temples in the country. Even the language reflects the Indonesian culture. Many young professionals still throw traditional wedding ceremonies. However, these ceremonies can be dictated by family tradition or personal preference. For instance, Indonesians tend to be patriotic.

Indonesians generally do not do things alone. They prefer to be part of a group. They consider themselves pitiful when people are alone. In response, they often call them “kok sendirian.”

In addition to these differences, Indonesians are characterized by strong kinship systems. Many Indonesian groups are patrilineal, while others are matrilineal. Some Indonesian societies even practice bilateral kinship systems. For this reason, it is important to understand Indonesian culture in its entirety before visiting. And don’t forget to bring your family members! You won’t regret it! The diversity of Indonesian culture is sure to impress everyone you meet.