If you are looking for a unique experience, try some of the top things to do in Bali. After all, it is the island that was inhabited for thousands of years. For instance, you should visit the floating temple of Ulun Danu Beratan, which is situated in the middle of the island. It’s 3600 feet above sea level, making it an amazing sight. Visiting this temple is definitely a must-do if you’re in Bali.

You can also go cliff jumping in the Nusa Islands. There are numerous cliffs on the coast of Bali, which are best viewed during mid-afternoon. On the Menjangan Island, you can also spot black monkeys and wild deer. If you’re looking for something a bit more unusual, you can visit the Bali Barat National Park, located in north Bali. Here, you can see the rare black monkeys and wild deer that live there.

You can also visit the waterfalls in the island. Aside from being cheap, visiting waterfalls is a fun activity that’s sure to delight nature lovers. In fact, most backpackers enjoy visiting the waterfalls. But be warned that they can get very crowded after noon, so it’s a good idea to go early in the morning. You can also go on a fishing boat to view the majestic mountains.

While you’re in Bali, you should visit some temples. The main temple of Bali is Pura Besakih. It dates back to the 13th century. It’s built on six levels and is decorated with Balinese split gateways and pagoda-like mera towers. It’s often referred to as the Mother temple, and it was able to survive the deadly eruption of a volcano, which swept much of the island’s population into the sea.

Bali highs in the terraced valleys of Ubud | Bali holidays | The Guardian

If you’re looking for a more luxurious way to cure your hangover, you can try IV drip treatment in Bali. You can choose to get this treatment at a clinic or in your villa. The entire experience is quite lavish, but it’s worth it to enjoy a relaxing session at a poolside bar. The process doesn’t take long and will leave you feeling refreshed and rejuvenated. For a relaxing evening, you can check out a live band or a local bar.

The ancient art of Kecak dance is an unforgettable experience. The dancers in the amphitheater portray the stories of the Hindu mythology, the Ramayana. Besides, you can get a great massage and indulge in some shopping. There’s also an ancient temple in Ubud, the Uluwatu Temple. These are just some of the top things to do in Bali. The island is full of cultural delights, so you won’t run out of ideas for great activities.

The island’s traditional markets are a must-do for any visitor to Bali. They feature artisanal handcrafts and farm-fresh produce. You can also find modern merch in hip tourist markets. Visiting the museum will also allow you to take a leisurely stroll in the lush gardens. In addition to museums and markets, Bali also offers several other interesting things to do. In addition to eating, you can experience Bali’s culture by visiting the Agung Rai Museum of Art.